Analysis of the Swarm Electron Temperature Data, their Comparison with IRI and C/NOFS, and Possible Corrections
Truhlik, Vladimir (1); Bilitza, Dieter (2,3); Stolle, Claudia (4); Buchert, Stephan (5); Bezdek, Ales (6); Podolska, Katerina (1); Triskova, Ludmila (1)
1: Department of Upper Atmosphere, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS, Praha, Czech Republic; 2: George Mason University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Fairfax, Virginia, USA; 3: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Heliospheric Physics Laboratory, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA; 4: Helmholtz Centre Postdam – GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences, Germany; 5: Swedish Institute for Space Physics, Sweden; 6: Astronomical Institute, CAS, Ondrejov, Czech Republic