Ice cover of Eurasian water bodies in a changing climate from satellite and in situ observations
Kouraev, Alexei V. (1,2,3); Zakharova, Elena A. (2,4); Naumenko, Mikhail A. (5); Shimaraev, Mikhail N. (6); Kostianoy, Andrey G. (7); Suknev, Andrey Ya. (8); Filatov, Nikolay N. (9); Rémy, Frédérique (4)
1: Universite de Toulouse; UPS (OMP-PCA), LEGOS; 2: State Oceanography Institute, St. Petersburg branch; 3: Tomsk State University; 4: CNRS, LEGOS; 5: Limnology Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 6: Limnological Institute, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences; 7: P.P Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS; 8: Great Baikal Trail Buryatiya; 9: Northern Water Problems Institute (NWPI), Karelian Research Center RAS